武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 二皇神色不对“你胡说什么?是你杀了六弟”


第975章 最情皇帝家
Records of the heart uneasy emperor there how still nothing happened?
"Erhuang, don’t mess around and take people out."
It is naturally impossible for the two emperors to come to this step without the offensive.
The palace guards don’t know what’s going on, but they haven’t come. Mu Ji-yue, several maids stand in front and fight hard.
But after all, it’s the girl’s strength that is gradually falling.
The punishments are still in a big hurry. "The emperor has strict orders not to make trouble. If you don’t want to annoy the emperor, you should quit quickly."
Others have advised that "it is the fairest thing for the second emperor to go to the emperor if he has any complaints."
Two emperors coldly sneered, "Lord? I have long since disappeared from his eyes! "
A furious roar sounded, "How dare you come and get him?"
It was the emperor who finally arrived late.
The imperial guards protected him in the middle and waited for the emperor to be livid and angry.
He never expected that he had given up his son and suddenly forced the palace.
All along, this image of being depressed and irritable has been fooled by all eyes, and he has been completely abolished.
Who will guard against a ruined emperor?
He regrets that he shouldn’t have ignored this.
Mu Ji’s eyes flashed a faint cold light. The emperor pretended to be sick to deal with her and was caught by the second emperor
The mantis catches cicada and yellowbird is behind.
Really self-defeating!
The second emperor’s face changed, but he quickly calmed down and smiled coldly. "Father, when you are old, it is better to give me the throne, and you can live in peace."
Now that you have done it, you can’t go back.
Besides, he’s done everything he can. What are you afraid of?
The emperor was furious. "Do you know what you are doing?"
He had everything under control, but the marginalized child gave him a fatal blow.

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