武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿会所 Sooka gave the drums to Cartus, and just now the bugles collided. Obviously, the facts fully say that the drums have turned the overwhelming momentum of the imperial army into a tie!

Sooka gave the drums to Cartus, and just now the bugles collided. Obviously, the facts fully say that the drums have turned the overwhelming momentum of the imperial army into a tie!

How can such a miraculous result not delight Cartus! However, this joy was concealed with a slight turn of Cartus’s heart because of the decisive battle in front of him. No, he was negligent
The decisive battle battlefield leads to a river alluvial plain in Reese after crossing Teru river. Looking at the terrain horizontally, there are almost no obstacles to block the line of sight. In this way, any surprise attack and circuitous tactics in the terrain are difficult to work. The only way to defeat the opponent is to face each other head-on. Whoever can’t support the collapse first will fail. No opportunistic method!
The sound of drums and loud bugles echoed from a distance, and the armies of both sides were patiently maintaining the formation and slowly approaching, which made Orca, who was in the front of the army array, feel that China’s so-called historical blockbusters involved in war were really unreliable. What kind of arms and equipment was not just a drum roll during that war? The spectacular scene was enough to make people realize what thunder was rolling!
Those screenwriters and directors probably know nothing about ancient wars! What is the most important thing in the battle stage of the big corps in the ancient cold weapon war era? Not morale, not equipment, not a warrior, not ingenuity, but a team! It’s an army!
During the war, a fierce soldier will roar at the front, and then he will rush over with weapons. What is that? That’s NC, that’s SB, and that’s death! Even if it’s 10,000 people, if it’s crowded and crowded, even if it impacts a tight military array composed of five people, there will be a broken head!
Look at how to fight those big battles during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. What intrigues and intrigues were carried out before the war, and the army array was everything. In the ancient army, instant communication was very difficult. It was hard to imagine how to command an army like an arm! The ancient famous soldiers of a legion tried their best to keep it together. How can it be as easy as those historical dramas? Once tens of thousands of people dispersed, it would be tantamount to turning from clenched fists to scattered sand. It would be suicide! Don’t say that you want to defeat the enemy. If you can’t be wiped out, you should burn incense!
This is the difference between the ancient army and the modern army. In the modern army, small combat units are prominent and offensive. Grassroots officers can command several people, dozens and hundreds of small-scale military forces. Freedom fighters form the core combat effectiveness of the whole army!
In ancient times, this was almost a fantasy. Most of the centurions and centurions relied on their courage and decapitation. It was not right to control the army. Often, when the commander was killed, the whole unit lost its combat effectiveness!
Generally speaking, in ancient times, if a person can command a one-man combat unit to turn around at will, keep formation at all times and complete various basic tactical commands, and win, then advance and lose, and then retreat and unite, then in reality, this person may be a general at the head level! Talent is hard to find!
As in the video, the two armies charge and then scuffle and kill everywhere, which will only appear after the bloody battle is difficult to maintain! Otherwise, it would be a one-sided massacre if one army array scattered against the other.
The distance is getting closer and closer, and finally it is about 300 meters visually!
Wow! The rebel formation first changed when the shields were staggered, and the two auxiliary legions behind Orca increased their speed at the same time. The two wings of Orca Legion were divided into two separate semi-circular arrays, followed by the middle army and the rear army to accelerate their pace and enter the semi-circular array center area, so the diamond array became three parallel formations, just like the front end dragging the light arc when the comet fell.
At this time, the distance between the two sides is less than 2 meters!
Cartus’s adventure is to take a surprise attack by changing the array temporarily and tear up the Roman legion’s chessboard format! However, he is too underestimating, adding determination and ability.
Sure enough, the bugle suddenly changed, and the Romans changed their ranks less than 100 meters apart during the March! The original chessboard changes rapidly. The first row of legions is folded into a semicircle, but the concave surface faces outward toward the convex surface of the rebels, while the second row of legions is scattered with a semicircle, and the third row of legions extends outward to flank the rebels.
"Add this old guy is really bold! I am not afraid that our army will break through his array before his wings are folded! " Seeing the imperial army formation change riding on Makatos through the observation post, I couldn’t help laughing at myself.
In fact, it is very risky for Canada to do so from the point of view of regular military affairs. The left and right legions are bound to get entangled after the war and occupy the military advantage locally. If the rebels decisively send the left and right legions to suddenly cut off the left and right, the United Canada Chinese army will become a lone battle and be trapped in a tight encirclement, directly facing the Orca elite legion and two auxiliary legions! Of course, there is also an obvious motive for this, that is, once the rebels fail to break through the jagged teeth and fall into confrontation, the military supplies of the two wings of the empire will be unstoppable from the later assault with the determination of those militia officers, and naturally the rebels will be defeated!
This decision was made out of a decisive battle, and the commander-in-chief did not seem a little impatient. On the whole, the imperial army occupied the advantage, but now it is equivalent to giving up the advantage and playing to see who is lucky! This is obviously not what a qualified general wants, but he doesn’t see any conspiracy hidden in it.
"Immediately make the cavalry regiment slash attack and cut the two legions on the right side of the enemy and then form an interception surface after the enemy lines to stop the enemy cavalry for less than an hour! If you can’t do it, let the cavalry commander cut his head and come to see me! " Cartus suddenly eyelid a vertical eyes flashed a ray of LengLiGuang flatly drink a way.
"Yes, Commander Pavilion!" A sentry flew away at once
Cartus then set his sights on the former Orca Legion’s body and face, and found it hard to suppress the excitement and expectation. "Immediately make the dragon commander let him break through the enemy’s main array and capture the enemy’s Lord and target at all costs! I will personally lead the rest of the legions to support them! "
"Yes!" Another soldier flew away.
Section 65 Victory belongs to Rome
Bang bang bang!
The empire first launched an attack, and the ancient over-the-horizon war adjusted the elevation angle. The trebuchet and Scorpio launched the first wave of death curtain, which enveloped the rebels. Huge stones and thick bolts shot through the army array without any hindrance, bringing up pieces of blood and rain! Cried miserably! The original orderly array of rebels also caused a little commotion.
However, due to the hasty crossing of the river, a small number of scorpions and trebuchets carried by the imperial army were transported, so it is obvious that the deterrent power of these battlefield weapons is far higher than the actual lethality, but it is enough for the rebels to have their first taste of pain and will be greatly tested by hundreds of meters.
Soon the two armies finally met.
Burst! There are many spears stabbing at the waiting shield wall. Most of them are blocked out, but there are still many sharp spears. After war spear pierced the shield through the gap, the human body was hot and bloody.
"Damn it!" A centurion of the Imperial Army struggled to cut off the front end of his spear with a dagger, while cursing angrily because he lost more than a dozen troops in the collision between the two armies just now.
Although the rebels are all recruited temporarily, it depends on the huge secret strategy prepared by the Grace family in Reese. Except for the lack of strong bow and the lack of Scorpio and trebuchet, the individual equipment is not inferior to that of the imperial army. Almost all of them are equipped with spears, armored spears and dagger spears. Although it is not flexible enough, its length can ensure the priority to attack the enemy and accumulate spears, which is extremely deterrent and lethal. On the other hand, on the one hand, the imperial army does not have too many spears to counter the fighting, which makes the fighting more cruel and the result more unpredictable.
"Shield wall extrusion! Everybody, top it! The shield raises the high-altitude sword and strikes the enemy’s waist position! " At the forefront of the front line, facing the crazy impact of the rebels, the Roman centurions held up their swords and kept shouting instructions to Buda.
The killing continued. The Imperial Army decisively changed its tactics and formed a dense linear array. After the team stood in front of the front team, it raised its shield, which effectively blocked the spear that demanded a lot, and then struggled to crush it forward and squeezed it to both sides. After that, the flexible imperial infantry immediately moved the shield slightly and quickly chopped the rebel’s calf and waist at the opportunity.
The tactical change soon worked, as if recreating the scene of the Greek spear phalanx and the Roman linear array. With strong discipline and training level, the imperial army easily reversed the unfavorable situation and slowly promoted the front.
The two armies engaged in the main battlefield. With the battle going on, the legions on both sides of the imperial army were gradually exposed by the semi-circular array of rebels and the Chinese army. At this moment, a drum sounded and the rebels changed again. The two militia legions in the rear army suddenly started to cross the Chinese army and then blocked the gap. The left, middle and right parts of the imperial army were abruptly formed into three relatively independent areas!
It is self-evident that the rebels did this. They responded to the provocative and brazen decision that the forces attacked the imperial Chinese army without paying attention to the flank of the empire from the general direction. Both of them are cautious commanders, but they all chose adventure to fight it out, which is really surprising.
Booming ~ ~ horseshoe deafening!
Just as the rebel striker tried to launch the first exploratory attack on the imperial Chinese army, the rebel cavalry on the left rear also acted!
Looking at the 3,000 pure white Andalusian horses flying by with their manes flying and their ponytails mopping the ground, I can’t help but be salivating at being in Zhongjunjia. This is the best horse that the imperial heart can produce. 3,000 Andalusian horses have fantasized about capturing all the horses and then equipping them with the auxiliary cavalry regiment under their jurisdiction.
"general? Jiangjunge? "
"hmm? Er "add back to god to see the lieutenant waved and smiled with a puzzled expression." It’s okay. I was thinking about something. Now that the enemy cavalry has attacked, let’s let the boys exercise their muscles and make the cavalry attack and intercept the enemy cavalry! Expel the main target! "
"Yes" saw that Jia was back to normal, and the lieutenant immediately hit his chest and ordered him to turn around.
The rumble was also an earth-shattering shock. The 6,000 cavalry of the empire split into two strands, roared out from the rear army and rushed straight at the rebel cavalry. Because the goal was to intercept and expel the other cavalry, it did not take a wedge array but a horizontal array.
For cavalry, the distance of more than 200 meters is almost a blink of an eye! In the face of the deadly cavalry decisive battle, the knights on both sides are not afraid, but they clamp the horse’s belly more vigorously and hold the pike!
Boom Two turbulent iron flows suddenly collided together for a moment!
The pike pierces the human body and tears, the horse hits the bone and breaks, growls and screams one after another! As a result of the row confrontation, hundreds of knights on both sides fell off their horses in just a moment and disappeared completely in the turbulent horseshoe.
Without the unilateral stirrups of Gao Qiao saddle, the cavalry still lacks good stability in this era. It is almost difficult to charge against the first platoon cavalry like this. Fortunately, even if it is not killed by the spears, it will be submerged by each other’s rolling torrents in the subsequent piercing! Cavalry confrontation is always a dynamic and constant complex scientific proposition. If you want to live, experience and luck are the only things you can rely on except praying for God’s blessing.
However, the imperial cavalry is obviously trying to master the initiative, and the wheel cavalry on both sides of the row are rapidly passing through the frontal area and heading for the rear of the rebel cavalry. Once the encirclement is completed, the rebel cavalry will probably be caged, but it will take a long time.
I glanced at the "part" of the scuffle riding group and withdrew my eyes. War means sacrifice, and a commander in chief should avoid unnecessary emotional fluctuations due to casualties on the battlefield. This cold-blooded is not the opposite. Every decision of the commander should count the soldiers’ life and death, and emotions should not be brought into the command, because the result will be more sacrifices. Obviously, it is an old and strengthened excellent commander. His ultimate goal is to catch Cartus, the culprit that caused all this!

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